18. October 2024

Wolfram Innovator Award 2024

Congratulations to Professor Thomas Wallek from Graz University of Technology for winning the Wolfram Innovator Award.
4. October 2024

Webinar – Discover Wolfram|ELE:  The Next Level in Digital Assessment Platforms

Join us for a webinar to explore the full potential of W|ELE: The Next Level in Digital Assessment Platforms.
26. September 2024

ACO-TEC Conference 2024

Once again at the ACO-TEC Conference – the leading IT event for education, research, and science.
16. May 2024

Webinar – What’s new in the Wolfram Cloud

Join us for a webinar and learn about the ultimate computation system in a modern cloud environment.
4. April 2024
wolfram online courses

WOLFRAM U online presentations

A full list of free Webinars and online Instructor-led courses offered from Wolfram.
13. March 2024

Webinar – What’s new in Mathematica 14

Join us for a webinar unveiling the latest advancements in Wolfram Mathematica 14! Discover new features, powerful tools, ...
30. November 2023

Webinar – First Steps in Mathematica

We are looking forward to support your "First steps in Mathematica". The target audience are students and people with hardly any experience with Mathematica.
5. October 2023

ACO-TEC Conference 2023

uni software plus GmbH at the ACO-TEC Conference 2023.
31. August 2023

Webinar – Leveraging LLM and Wolfram Mathematica

Missed our Webinar? The recording is online. Webinar: Leveraging LLM and Wolfram Mathematica - Exploring Synergies for Enhanced Computational Insights
22. August 2023

Wolfram Mathematica’s Large Language Model (LLM)

In this screencast, we explore how to leverage the power of Mathematica's Large Language Model (LLM), more precisely the "Code Assistant" to extract faces from images.
15. June 2023

Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference 2023

Register for the worldwide Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference in November 2023.
25. April 2023

DSC DACH Conference

uni software plus GmbH at the DSC DACH Conference
7. February 2023

Webinar – New in Wolfram Language 13.2

The new Version 13.2 of the Wolfram Language has been released! Learn about new functions and improvements in our webinar.
30. September 2022

WOLFRAM Technology Week

We are very happy to announce that we will host on-premise events in autumn 2022 again. Check out the dates.
28. September 2022

ACO-TEC Conference 2022

uni software plus GmbH at the ACO-TEC Conference 2022.
20. September 2022

Webinar – An Introduction to the Wolfram Language

In this webinar you will learn about the Wolfram Language and the fuctionality of Mathematica Notebooks. The target audience are students and people with hardly any experience with Mathematica.
11. August 2022

Webinar – Using Clustering to Compute Properties of Fluids

We are happy to announce our next webinar "Using Clustering to Compute Properties of Fluids".
11. August 2022

Webinar – Interactive Data Visualization

The second webinar we will present this autumn will have te topic "Interactive Data Visualization".
5. July 2022

Launched! Version 13.1 of Wolfram Mathematica & System Modeler

Get an overview of the latest features and functions.
25. May 2022

Webinar – Parallel Computing with Mathematica

We are pleased to invite you to our webinar about parallel computing with Wolfram Mathematica.
5. May 2022

Early Professional Program by Wolfram

This program has been designed for recent graduates or professionals early in their career.
24. March 2022

Webinar – Compilation technologies in the Wolfram Language

Webinar - New features in Wolfram Mathematica 12.2! Register for our free webinar to check out the latest functions and features.
21. December 2021

Webinar – What’s new in Mathematica 13

Mathematica Version 13 has been released! To learn about new functions and features join our free webinar.
17. November 2021

Wolfram Innovator Award 2021

Wolfram Innovator Arward 2021 goes to Bruno Buchberger, Professor of computer mathematics at Johannes Kepler University Linz.
8. September 2021

Webinar – First steps in Mathematica

We are looking forward to support your "First steps in Mathematica". The target audience are students and people with hardly any experience with Mathematica.
2. September 2021

Webinar – Mathematica Online

We are looking forward to present our webinar "Mathematica Online". The target audience are Mathematica users who want to learn about adding Mathematica Online to their daily workflow.
24. August 2021

Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference October 12-15, 2021

Register for the worldwide Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference in October 2021.
10. August 2021

Webinar – Link Technologies with Mathematica

We are pleased to continue with our webinars on Wolfram topics this autumn. First topic "Mathematica Link Technologies".
4. August 2021

Get access to the Wolfram Cloud

Learn about the Wolfram Cloud and register for your free Wolfram Cloud Basic subscription.
26. July 2021

Early Access for Students Program by Wolfram

This program has been designed for future students to address core maths, data and computational thinking skill shortages.
29. June 2021

Useful resources for your work with Mathematica

Find a collection of useful links for your work with Wolfram Mathematica.
26. May 2021

Wolfram Mathematica Online

Explore the advantages of Mathematica Online.
25. May 2021

The new Version 12.3 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica has been released

Get an overview of the latest features and functions.
12. May 2021

Webinar – Wolfram Language meets Python

Our next webinar topic "Wolfram Language meets Python"
13. April 2021

Webinar – Time Series Processing in Mathematica

Register for our upcoming Wolfram Webinar: Time Series Processing in Mathematica
1. March 2021

Webinar – GPU Programming in Mathematica

Webinar - GPU Programming in Wolfram Mathematica! Speed up Computations with Parallel GPU Computing.
2. December 2020

Webinar – What’s new in Mathematica 12.2

Webinar - New features in Wolfram Mathematica 12.2! Register for our free webinar to check out the latest functions and features.
2. September 2020

Ein Boost für die Digitalisierung! Investitionsprämie

Profitieren Sie von der Investitionsprämie - 14 % der Neuinvestitionssumme wird gefördert.
5. November 2019

Quant Insights Conference

The Quant Insights Conference will be held on 15 th November 2019 ...
14. June 2019

Denk Digital! KONGRESS.

we were part of the Denk Digital! KONGRESS. in St. Pölten
6. June 2019

Industrial IoT Meet-Up Linz

First Industrial IoT Meet-Up presented by uni software plus GmbH and Vienna Data Science Group.
28. May 2019

Applied Artificial Conference 2019

uni software plus GmbH bei der "Applied Artificial Conference 2019"